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Please read through the list of contraindications and make sure non apply prior to booking.

 If you have any further question please contact us.

*Please remember to shave the area you are having laser hair removal on the night before or day of laser treatments. 

*Your Hygiene is important to us. Please shower the night before or morning of treatment. 

If you have been waxing, plucking, threading or bleaching: Please stop and wait 6 weeks to let the hair grow back. The ONLY thing you can do is shave for the next 4-8 weeks, to allow the hairs to grow out. No Plucking, it can stimulate the new hair growth in hormonal areas, like the chin and upper lip.  

*Avoid Sun Exposure for 2 week before and 2 weeks  after laser treatments to decrease your skins risk of hyper-pigmentation staining on the skin. 

*Self-tanners must not be on the skin, as the laser will target the pigment in the product and could cause burning.

**NO photo-sensitive medications. We can NOT do laser if guests are taking any type of photo-sensitive medications.

* Note we can NOT do laser over tattoo's


Laser Contraindications

Do you have any of the following: Allergies, Epilepsy, High blood pressure, Metal Implants, Heart Disease, Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Skin Disorder (ex. Keloids), Diseases Stimulated by Heat (ex HSV), Sun or Heat Sensitivity, Tattoo or Permanent Makeup, Diabetes, Auto-immune Disease, Brace, Dental Crowns, Dental Implants, History of Bleeding Disorders, Saphenous Insufficiency, pre-malignant moles

~Active Cold sores: Guests must not have any active cold sores.

~Use of Accutane in the 6 Months: Guests can not be using Accutane for 6 months before treatment.

~Pregnancy or nursing: Guests must make sure you are not currently pregnant or nursing

~Melanoma if active or lesions: Guests must wait to have treatment.

~Ablative Laser: Clients can not have laser 4 week before or 4 weeks after treatment.

~Waxing: Clients can not have any waxing  6  weeks prior to treatment and no waxing after in the areas that guest are having laser.

(Shaving only)

~Lupus: Unfortunately we can not offer this service to anyone who has Lupus.

~Botox: Clients must wait 3 weeks before their treatment. Botox may move during treatment.

~Fillers: Clients must wait 3 week before their  treatment. Filler may move during treatment.

~Peels AHAS /GLYCOLIC ACIDS: Clients must wait 6 week

~Avoid exfoliation, acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid two days prior to having a HydraFacial. 

~Stop use of Retinol or any retinoids two weeks prior to a Micro-Needling.

~Cancer no Lymphatic unless it has been more than 5 years. If a guest has had skin cancer that did not require chemo or radiation then Lymphatic drainage should be fine. If the guest has cancer and is on a medication that can thin their skin then no. We can perform the 30 min on a cancer patient as long as they are not on medications that can thin the skin.


*Please contact us if you have any further questions.


Aftercare Tips

The procedure is relatively fast and effective. You should experience redness and light swelling depending on the sensitivity of their skin. If you experience these symptoms, don’t worry—they’re completely normal and temporary. Some patients will experience a hive like response, although lighter hair may not respond as significantly. If your skin feels irritated after a laser hair removal treatment, apply a topical cortisone cream or a cool compress to the area. Avoid exercise, hot tubs and hot baths for the first 24 hours after a treatment. Avoid excessive sun exposure for two weeks after the treatment, and always apply sunscreen before sun exposure.

*Cool Compresses

*Aloe vera

*Topical Cortisone cream

*Sun block of 30+ SPF  But no direct sun on laser area for 2 weeks

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